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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

IDS News


Some exciting news from the team at IDS we have joined JUST ONE Tree! As a team we have always been interested in reducing energy consumption and thereby lowering the carbon footprint of the industries we work with, it is one of the main benefits of inverter technology after all! Now with the UK Government’s […]

Variable Speed Drive Shortage

Due to the global chip shortage, we are advising that some variable speed drives may have longer than usual lead times. Here at IDS, we are working hard with our in-house stock, hire drives and alternative inverter models to mitigate the repercussions this variable speed drive shortage might have for our customers. Variable Speed Drive […]

No Achilles Heel at IDS

Congratulations to Wayne Draper, IDS Safety, Health, Environment, & Quality Manager, for all his hard work, in our recent Achilles audit. IDS scored 100% in every category. Amazing work Wayne and the wider IDS team! How We Are Audited by Achilles There are 4 areas in which we were assessed: Health and Safety, Corporate Social […]

Thinking Outside The Wooden Box

At IDS each of our team members play an important part in our overall service delivery. Some are rather obvious and visible to our customers, like our team of engineers our office team at the end of the phone and our sales team who keep in touch with our customers. Others, however, are less visible […]

Coronavirus Update From IDS

As we have throughout the global pandemic, we are fully operational and here ready and able to support you. We specify, supply, install, commission, repair and service your variable speed drives. We are fully prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise including: Breakdown response Telephone or email technical support Hire Drives Emergency Inverter […]

IDS Welcomes New ABB Area Sales Manager Stuart Ruskin

IDS Welcomes New ABB Area Sales Manager Stuart Ruskin: Stuart is the new Area Sales Manager with the ABB Drives Team and will be working closely with IDS as a part of our ABB VP status. As an ABB VP we work in partnership with ABB and enjoy levels of support not available to non-VPs. […]

Inverter Drive Systems Ltd Celebrate 20 Years

Inverter Drive Systems Ltd Celebrate 20 Years: Founded in 1999 by Manging Director, Blaise Ford, Inverter Drive Systems Ltd (IDS) are celebrating 20 years! Focusing solely on inverter technology, East Midlands company IDS, specify, supply, install, commission, repair, upgrade, hire and service inverters. With solid foundations in the family run engineering company Wilson Ford Ltd, […]

CEMA Cycle Ride from Nottingham to Skegness

It’s that time of year again! The Great British summertime. We all cross our fingers and hope the British weather doesn’t let us down. For many the start of summer is all about enjoying some strawberries and Pimm’s whilst watching the tennis and cricket. For IDS MD, Blaise Ford, summertime also means the annual cycling […]

A UVDB Clean Sweep For IDS

IDS are proud to announce that in a recent UVDB Verify audit by Achilles, we scored 100% across the board! Over the last few years IDS have achieved consistently high scores, for several years scoring multiple 100% in the different categories, but this the first time we have had 100% across the board. A UVDB […]

IDS Host ABB AVP Drive Expert Day

On the 5th December Inverter Drive Systems (IDS) played host for the ABB AVP Drive Expert Day. The day was a mixture of technical training, new features and best practices. We hosted fellow AVP’s Sentridge Control and Central Group and were joined by ABB Drive Experts: Andy Preston, from ABB UK and Arnold Taddeo and […]

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