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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

ABB Inverters

New predictive maintenance service for critical drives

A new predictive maintenance service from ABB is set to improve the reliability of critical drives used in demanding environments. ABB AbilityTM Predictive Maintenance for drives harnesses the power of cloud computing, machine learning and ABB’s expertise, together with a remote monitoring system. Predictive maintenance is a widely used term in connection with mechanical equipment such […]

Digital remote service supports variable speed drives

ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance is a service that harnesses the power of cloud computing, machine learning and ABB’s expertise to propose highly targeted maintenance actions for critical drive applications – before any problems occur. This gives better availability, longer process uptime, and peace of mind, says Anthony Rawson, UK service manager, drives and controls, ABB. […]

Duct Velocity Control for Extract Fans – ‘DELTA-P’

Extract fans are in common use to remove harmful dust and fumes or transport material within factories. Whatever their use, they rely on duct air velocity to ensure the material is kept in the airflow and does not settle out and cause a blockage. An Irishman, Sir George Stokes first developed a theorem that related […]

PID Control Using an Inverter

In this video, Inverter Drive Systems Ltd Account Manager, Simona York, demonstrates PID Control using an Inverter. In the demonstration, Simona uses a demonstration rig, our Balloon Machine, which consists of an ABB inverter, a motor, a fan with damper (which can be used to control the flow) and a pressure sensor. On the keypad […]

The pressure is on to control leaks

Leaks are a perennial problem for water companies. Despite considerable countrywide investment and modernisation, the UK’s water distribution networks continue to lose around 3,300 mega litres of water per day. That amounts to 15 to 25 percent of its annual production of potable water every year. Few other industries would or could tolerate such a […]

The power of adaptive programming

Andy Preston, UK drives product manager, ABB writes: When buying a variable speed drive (VSD), make sure it comes with something called “adaptive programming’. Adaptive programming is used to customise the operation of a VSD in cases where the drive parameter settings are not sufficient. The programme is built with standard function blocks included in […]

Dont forget the installation basics

Most variable speed drive (VSD) failures are attributed to poor installation practices. Yet some failures can be avoided by using drives that have built-in features thereby minimising mistakes and errors. With today’s modern keypads users are guided through commissioning, making sure that nothing is forgotten and that installation goes smoothly. Dont forget the installation basics […]

Finding hidden efficiencies in pump and fan applications

In the first of a series of three columns, we look at the energy and productivity benefits achievable by installing a variable speed drive (VSD) on specific applications. This month: pumps and fans Pumps VSD can help transport liquids safely by ensuring the motor driving a pump is running at the correct speed to maintain […]

Squeezing the most out of your variable speed drives

ABB’s Martin Richardson offers some tips to ensure that your installed base of variable speed drives (VSDs) operate the pumping system at its optimum reliability, efficiency and performance. 1. Check VSD parameter settings regularly If a VSD isn’t set up properly or the needs of the system changes then this can have a significant impact […]

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