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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

ABB Inverters

Is It Time To Replace Your VSD?

Variable speed drives (VSDs) are renowned for being reliable and robust devices. If properly and regularly maintained there is no reason why a VSD will not function for 20-plus years. Yet the replacement VSD market is growing at some 40 percent per annum. Andy Preston, UK Drives Product Manager, ABB Limited, suggests a reason why. […]

Variable speed drives – Are you missing a trick?

Don’t make the mistake of dismissing VSDs as nothing more than motor controllers, says ABB’s Carl Turbitt. To use a drive merely to start and stop a motor and alter its speed is to miss the huge cost saving potential built within the product. Panels containing control gear for air handling units, fans and pumps […]

Five Things You (probably) Don’t Know A Variable Speed Drive Can Do

Most users buy a variable speed drive (VSD) to start/ stop a motor and make it go faster/ slower. Very few know about the other functionality within their drive. Stuart Foster, UK Water Manager – Drives, ABB Limited, gives an insight. 1. Adaptive programming Some VSDs contain a feature called adaptive programming. The programme is […]

Inverter Helps Stop Reel Transport System at Smurfit Kappa March

At the Smurfit Kappa facility in March, Cambridgeshire, there are three reel transport systems to carry heavy drums of paper into the corrugator machine that produces cardboard. When one of the systems travels empty, everything is fine; however, when it travels carrying a heavy drum of paper the momentum from the load may cause the […]

The Difference Between A Soft Starter And A Variable Speed Drive

When a motor is started is draws a large amount of electric current as it accelerates to full speed. This sudden demand for current can lead to voltage dips and other undesirable effects. The Difference Between A Soft Starter And A Variable Speed Drive Soft starts and variable speed drives can both be used to […]

Are Inverters Phase Sensitive?

In this article, Blaise Ford, MD of Inverter Drive Systems, answers a question we are frequently asked: Are Inverters Phase Sensitive? Blaise explains: “Inverters take single or three phase mains, rectify it and then chop it up again to give variable frequency, variable voltage output. The three phase rotation, brown-black-grey or brown-grey-black, is lost when […]

Fan-Tastic Energy Savings for Steel Castings Manufacturer

A steel castings manufacturer in the West Midlands who predominantly supplies the highly cost sensitive, automotive industry with precision castings is set to make significant energy reductions, achieving notable cost savings by fitting ABB Inverters (variable speed drives) across its manufacturing operation. These energy and cost savings were highlighted during a free Energy Efficiency Motor […]

How to use an Inverter for HVAC noise reduction

  In this video Leon Ball, Industrial Technical Account Manager for IDS demonstrates how to use an inverter for HVAC noise reduction. How to use an Inverter for HVAC noise reduction The demonstration rig Leon uses in this video is our Balloon Rig, which is made up of an inverter, a motor, a fan and […]

Juicy Energy Savings for Fruit Juice Manufacturer

A fruit juice manufacturer in the east of England has the potential to substantially reduce their energy consumption and the associated costs by fitting ABB Inverters (variable speed drives) across its manufacturing operation. These potential savings were discovered during a free Energy Efficiency Motor Audit. Juicy Energy Savings for Fruit Juice Manufacturer The inverters will […]

Managing the reliability of variable speed drives

Variable speed drives (VSDs) play a major role in motor-driven systems. Not only do they run motors at the right speed to optimise energy use, they can also detect excessive motor temperatures and extreme load conditions, improving reliability. However, they can only make this contribution if they are themselves reliable. So, what causes failures in […]

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