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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Author : Jules White

No Achilles Heel at IDS

Congratulations to Wayne Draper, IDS Safety, Health, Environment, & Quality Manager, for all his hard work, in our recent Achilles audit. IDS scored 100% in every category. Amazing work Wayne and the wider IDS team! How We Are Audited by Achilles There are 4 areas in which we were assessed: Health and Safety, Corporate Social […]

Thinking Outside The Wooden Box

At IDS each of our team members play an important part in our overall service delivery. Some are rather obvious and visible to our customers, like our team of engineers our office team at the end of the phone and our sales team who keep in touch with our customers. Others, however, are less visible […]

ABB Variable Speed Drive Webinars

We are pleased to announce that following the success of the ABB variable speed drive webinars in 2020, ABB and IDS are once again teaming up to provide these valuable online learnings. The experts at ABB have created these webinars with the intention of sharing knowledge and best practices. The webinar topics run from an […]

Sludge Density Pump Control

Sludge Density Pump Control or Reactive Pump Control (RPC) Introduction Sludge is created when a liquid containing solids is settled. Typically, this can be in PSTs (Primary Settling Tanks) or Humus Tanks in sewage treatment works. Alternatively, it can occur in mineral processing plant in clarifiers. The pumps that take the sludge from the bottom […]

Eliminate Noise from a Motor with an Inverter

Inverters rectify ac to dc then chop it up again with transistors to provide a variable frequency, variable voltage pseudo ac to create a variable speed motor from a fixed speed ac motor. This chopping takes place many times a second from around 1kHz to 16kHz. This is the switching frequency. At lower switching frequencies, […]

What Does An Inverter Do?

Also known as variable speed drives or VSD/VFD, an inverter is a clever box which sits between the electrical supply and an electric motor. What Does An Inverter Do? An inverter changes the fixed frequency from the mains to a variable frequency output, in turn this can change the speed of the motor, which can […]

7 Steps To Better Maintained Assets

As the water industry moves towards AMP 7 (asset management plan), among the key challenges facing the sector is ensuring maximum uptime of the installed base of pumps and their motors and drives. ABB‘s Clayton Mead, UK Water Manager – Drives, offers some advice. Whereas previously pumps, motors or drives had a back up that […]

SEA LIFE Weymouth Breathes New Life Into Holding Tank

Our engineers are used to visiting large industrial plants, remote water treatment sites as well as mines and quarries. Whilst the scenery en-route to these premises can be breathtaking, it made a welcome change for us to visit the picturesque seaside town of Weymouth. SEA LIFE Weymouth is set across a 7 acre Park with […]

What can VSDs offer for fixed torque applications?

ABB’s Andrew Bould explains why fixed torque applications shouldn’t be overlooked as candidates for variable speed drive installation. When we talk about variable speed drives (VSDs), the focus is very often on energy saving. Indeed, in variable torque applications like fans and pumps they can reduce energy costs by up to 60 percent. However, when […]

Why asset maintenance is more important than ever

Clayton Mead, UK Water Manager – Drives, ABB Limited, writes: As we move towards AMP 7, among the key challenges facing the water industry remains one of asset health: how to ensure that the installed base of pumps and their motors and drives never let you down. Whereas previously pumps, motors or drives had a […]

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