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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Author : Jules White


Some exciting news from the team at IDS we have joined JUST ONE Tree! As a team we have always been interested in reducing energy consumption and thereby lowering the carbon footprint of the industries we work with, it is one of the main benefits of inverter technology after all! Now with the UK Government’s […]

Variable Speed Drive Shortage

Due to the global chip shortage, we are advising that some variable speed drives may have longer than usual lead times. Here at IDS, we are working hard with our in-house stock, hire drives and alternative inverter models to mitigate the repercussions this variable speed drive shortage might have for our customers. Variable Speed Drive […]

ABB Variable Speed Drive Webinars 2022-23

Following the success of the ABB variable speed drive webinars over the last couple of years, ABB and IDS are once again teaming up to provide these valuable online learnings. The experts at ABB have created these webinars with the intention of sharing knowledge and best practices. The webinar topics run from; an introduction to […]

How Does an Inverter Reduce Energy Consumption?

How Does an Inverter Reduce Energy Consumption? Inverters are used in conjunction with electric motors. An inverter’s basic function is to allow speed control over the motor. Without an inverter, a motor is either off or running at affixed speed. Flow control of applications such as fans and pumps are usually achieved by using a […]

Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

What is the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund? The Government describe the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) as: “Supporting the development and deployment of technologies that enable businesses with high energy use to transition to a low carbon future.” But what is it exactly? In 2018, the Government announced that £315 million of funding will be […]

ABB Authorized Value Provider

Inverter Drive Systems Ltd (IDS to our friends) have worked in partnership with ABB for over 20 years. Previously called the Drives Alliance, the most recent name to this elite partnership is ABB Authorized Value Provider – or to give it its most recent incarnation “Value Provider”. A badge we are very proud to display […]

Maintaining and Repairing Inverters

Maintaining and Repairing Inverters – IDS are approved Value Providers for ABB inverters and we have been an ABB partner for over 20 years. ABB inverters are fundamentally reliable electronic devices, especially if installed correctly and situated in the correct environment. Inverters need to be kept cool, dry and away from dust and vibration. If […]

Need an Inverter In A Hurry?

Below are 5 solutions to get you back up and running ASAP! New Stock – As an ABB VP we commit to carrying a large stock of inverters, when one flies off the shelf, we re-order so we always have a good level of the most used inverters. Hire Drives – We also have a […]

Weedscreen Cleaner Inverter Control Upgrade

Weedscreen cleaners are essential for rural pumping stations pumping water out of dykes. Without them, the pumps would get choked with weeds and pumping performance would fall with the risk of local flooding. It is important that these weedscreen cleaners are kept in efficient operation. The alternative to a weed screen cleaner is an expensive […]

Timber Merchant Reduces Energy with Inverter Technology

Allen & Orr Limited are a traditional timber merchant with sites in Chesterfield and Doncaster. Phil Whiteley, Director, got in touch with IDS after reading an article on how inverters can reduce energy consumption and reduce costs on large motor applications. IDS Area Sales Manager, Darryl Renshaw, conducted an initial energy survey to determine just […]

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