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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Author : Jules White

Camfil and Inverter Drive Systems combine to improve AHU efficiency

Users of air handling units (AHUs) can achieve maximum efficiency from their equipment following an agreement between ABB Drives Alliance member Inverter Drive Systems (IDS) and leading air filtration specialist Camfil. The partnership with IDS means that customers retrofitting Camfil air filters will be able to have an ABB variable-speed drive fitted at the same […]

Andy Crocker Cycles for Charity from London to Paris!

IDS colleagues tend to be a rather active and fit lot, must be something in the water! Andy Crocker is our Southern Sales Manager and he will be making a tremendous journey, cycling from London to Paris in an effort to raise much needed funds for Big Issue Foundation. Andy says: “The Big Issue foundation […]

IDS Smarten up their Van Fleet

IDS have recently put the company logo and accreditations on engineers’ vans. The vans are fully equipped to allow independent site working with minimal support from head office. Each van carries a full complement of tools and spares and represents a significant investment by the company to ensure that each of our customers receives prompt […]

Commercial Energy Saving Through use of Inverters

There are many areas where commercial organisations can reduce their energy use, and indeed you may already be looking at some of them. For example Energy efficient lighting Improvements to the building fabric; like insulation Improvements to building services It is this last area, building services, which is often overlooked and where great savings in […]

Water Industry Achievement Awards 2013 – Winners announced!

Four hundred guests descended on the Hilton Birmingham Metropole on March 21 for the 2013 Water Industry Achievement Awards, organised by industry journals WET News and Water & Wastewater Treatment. Inverter Drive Systems Ltd were honoured to receive two awards: Water Industry Achievement Awards 2013 Most Innovative Use of an Existing Technology  Winner: Inverter Drive Systems/ […]

Tax Free Allowance for Energy Efficiency Investments

After the recent announcement from the Government of the increase in the tax free allowance for energy efficiency investments, there has never been a better time to look at Inverter retrofits to reduce your energy consumption. A recent article from Gambica the Trade Association for Instrumentation, Control, Automation and Laboratory Technology in the UK featured in February 2013 […]

PID Control Sensors on Inverter Drives

As in the previous comments on using inverters on centrifugal pumps and fans in AHU’s and water systems to save energy, then to give better and even more accurate control on energy savings using inverters, then using P.I.D control (proportional integral derivative) in everyday language sensors, fitted along with the inverter, will give better control. […]

Is The Green Deal an Incentive?

Is the Green Deal an incentive for businesses to increase investments in energy efficiency projects? We’d hoped the Green Deal would be a self-funded way for business customers to invest in energy saving measures to improve their building performance. Types of qualifying measures with quick pay back would include VSD retrofits for AHU fans and pumps to […]

Reactive Pump Controller

CONTROLLING THE THICKNESS OF SLUDGE AT SOURCE  Abstract Primary and co-settled sludges are commonly removed from settlement tanks using timed, pumped, auto-desludge systems that are neither sensitive to the variable flux of settleable influent material nor sense the thickness of the sludge removed, resulting in thin sludge being produced which requires significant thickening before digestion […]

Finalists in The WIAA 2013

Inverter Drive Systems Ltd are delighted to be shortlisted as a finailist in this years Water Industry Achievement Awards 2013 We have been notified we are a finalist in the category: Most Innovative Use of an Existing Technology  Needless to say we are delighted to be recognised and are looking forward to the results of […]

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