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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Author : Jules White

Hospital cuts energy by £15000

A hospital is set to save around £15,000 a year on air handling costs following the installation of variable-speed drives (VSDs) by ABB authorised value provider Inverter Drive Systems (IDS). he project involved fitting ABB drives to a number of air handling units (AHUs) in Bedford Hospital’s maternity and pathology departments, cutting air volumes to […]

Variable Speed Drives saves £126000 for a Pharmaceutical Company

A local pharmaceutical plant is saving £126,000 a year on its energy bills following the installation of ABB variable-speed drives by Inverter Drive Systems Ltd. This company produces toiletries and medicines. With such a large pharmaceutical operation, the company’s plant in Nottingham uses hundreds of pumps and fans on many different applications. To control the […]

IDS become an ABB Authorised Value Provider

On the 23rdof January 2014, IDS managing director, Blaise Ford was invited  to The Roof Gardens in Kensington to the official launch of ABB’s AVP (Authorised Value Provider). IDS become an ABB Authorised Value Provider The new AVP status replaces the historic ABB Drives Alliance Partnership. Combining both drives and motor distributors, IDS are looking […]

IDS Improves the Energy Efficiency of a Baling Machine

Once again IDS has been in the industry press sharing the great energy saving results we are able to achieve, this time we featured in the Drives and Controls magazine. The article below highlights the energy and cost savings we provided for Smurfit Kappa at their Northampton facility, specifically looking at how we improved the energy […]

Adding Inverters to a Logistics and Warehousing Facility

Large logistics and warehousing facilities can save money by installing ABB inverters from IDS, up to as much as 44% per year off the energy bill! We have recently provided a free energy efficiency motor audit at a large warehouse and logistics plant in Milton Keynes, with a range of air handling and chiller compressor units. We […]

ABB drives cut out £10000 pump repairs for Alkane Energy

ABB is helping a major producer of energy from coal mine methane (CMM) to cut its pumping costs by using variable-speed drives (VSDs) to make its process more reliable. The VSDs ensure the pumps are not over stressed, allowing them to last longer. Alkane Energy is one of the UK’s fastest growing independent power generators. The […]

ABB drives cut cooling costs by 25 percent

One of the UK’s major producers of ready meals is saving 25 percent a year on its cooling costs by employing a single 55 kW ABB variable-speed drive (VSD). Saladworks of Leicester supplies 135 different ready-meal products to four of the UK’s major retailers. The company asked ABB Drives Alliance member, Inverter Drive Systems (IDS), […]

Case Study at an Animal Feed Mill

Animal feed mills generally manufacture food pellets, chicken feed, pet feed etc. for this type of manufacturer we are concerned with 4 of the mill’s processes, in this case study we are focusing on only one of these, the cooler fans. Case Study at an Animal Feed Mill – Data Logging We fitted a data logger […]

IDS saves Tamar Foods 23 percent on HVAC energy costs with ABB drives

One of the UK’s largest producers of pastry based products has saved 23 per cent on its heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) energy costs following installation of ABB variable-speed drives at its Callington plant in Cornwall. Tamar Foods produces five million pastry based products a week, including sausage rolls, pasties and pies, for major […]

IDS ABB project saves Anglian Water £2.7 million on energy costs

Anglian Water Services (AWS) has saved over £2.7 million on its energy costs following an intensive four year ABB project to improve energy efficiency at over 100 of its sites. Over the lifetime of the project, AWS saved 223,354 kWh in energy, giving a cost saving of £2.72 million. This equates to 112 tonnes of […]

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