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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Author : Jules White

Waste company increases productivity by eight percent with ABB drives

ABB drives increase process speed and accuracy, improving productivity and efficiency An eight percent increase in productivity is achieved by installing two ABB variable-speed drives on a waste sorting machine. Wastecycle is a waste reclamation and recycling company with two plants, in Nottingham and Leicester. The company collects and processes 450,000 tonnes of waste each […]

Welcome to the ACH580 the new HVAC drive from ABB

With the product launch fast approaching we were invited by ABB to attend a pre-launch training session for the highly anticipated arrival of the new ABB ACH580 drive. There is a lot for this new drive to live up to! The popular ABB ACH550 sold over 100,000 units in the UK alone. Here are some […]

IDS Exhibit with Northampton Chamber of Commerce at Rockingham Speedway

Lorraine and Neil from IDS recently attended the Rockingham Speedway Track where the Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce held their annual exhibition, including a networking lunch and seminar on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). The event coincided with the run up to the last weekend of the British Automobile Racing Club (BRSCC) season.  The cars were all […]

IDS and Camfil Farr Strengthening the Partnership

The partnership between Camfil Farr and IDS allows clients a unique offering. By combining the energy saving products from Camfil Farr filters a with ABB Inverters from IDS the client will see a reduction of between 20 and 30% of the energy costs used by Air Handling Units. IDS and Camfil Farr Strengthening the Partnership […]

How to Extend the Life of Your Inverters

Inverters are inherently reliable devices. They are costly pieces of power electronics and warrant some care. The only moving part in an inverter is the cooling fan, all other components being static electronic components. With careful consideration at the design / installation stage, inverters can operate in a variety of environments successfully for many years. […]

ABB ACH580 Drive Training

Climate control has to be intelligent and reliable to provide maximum energy efficiency. That’s what the new ABB HVAC drive delivers: effortlessly, simplified comfort, on your terms. Introducing the new ACH580 climate control drive The ACH580 integrates easily into your facility and the power grid during the best and worst environmental scenarios. Multiple control loops […]

Working Together to Save Energy in a Laboratory facility – Camfil and IDS

Camfil Farr have a range of energy efficient filters which in combination with ABB inverters allow the same quantity of air flow whilst consuming less power. Working together IDS and Camfil carried out an energy efficiency motor audit and a filter energy survey on a local laboratories’ applications, mostly air handling units. We submitted our […]

Drives reduce energy and cut maintenance and ammonia discharge

Anglian Water has cut aerator energy use in half with variable speed drive technology, while removing the threat of blockages A sewage treatment works operated by Anglian Water has halved its aerator energy costs, reduced maintenance and cut ammonia to almost zero levels following the installation of an ABB variable-speed drive. The drive was installed on a 4 kW sewage aerator […]

Firm avoids £50000 electrical supply upgrade using ABB drive

Variable-speed drive reduces machine load demand, avoiding costly upgrade while improving productivity A £50,000 upgrade to a company’s electrical supply is avoided by installing an ABB drive to reduce the current drawn by a new wood chipping machine. The installed production machinery at garden and architectural stonework specialist, Haddonstone, was collectively drawing 200 A, and […]

A Third of all Businesses still not ESOS Compliant

With less than 60% of obligated businesses not making the original deadline for ESOS compliance of 29th January, a grace period of three months was given by the Environment Agency. However, as the period came to an end (29th April) there are still in the region of 3,000 ESOS qualifying organisations unaccounted for. Environment Agency […]

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