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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Author : Jules White

Dont forget the installation basics

Most variable speed drive (VSD) failures are attributed to poor installation practices. Yet some failures can be avoided by using drives that have built-in features thereby minimising mistakes and errors. With today’s modern keypads users are guided through commissioning, making sure that nothing is forgotten and that installation goes smoothly. Dont forget the installation basics […]

Why do pump motors fail?

Dave Hawley, General Manager – Motors, ABB Limited, writes: There is a lot of debate about whether it is better to repair or replace a failed pump motor. A far better option is to ensure it doesn’t fail in the first place. In theory, a motor could run for as long as 50 years, substantially […]

Finding hidden efficiencies in pump and fan applications

In the first of a series of three columns, we look at the energy and productivity benefits achievable by installing a variable speed drive (VSD) on specific applications. This month: pumps and fans Pumps VSD can help transport liquids safely by ensuring the motor driving a pump is running at the correct speed to maintain […]

Variable speed drive maintenance: what can I do as an end user?

Variable speed drives (VSDs) are now more efficient, productive and easy to use than ever before, but did you know that those efficiency levels promised at the start can easily drift unless your drive is well looked after? Whilst most maintenance tasks are best left to a qualified engineer, there are preventive maintenance duties that […]

Squeezing the most out of your variable speed drives

ABB’s Martin Richardson offers some tips to ensure that your installed base of variable speed drives (VSDs) operate the pumping system at its optimum reliability, efficiency and performance. 1. Check VSD parameter settings regularly If a VSD isn’t set up properly or the needs of the system changes then this can have a significant impact […]

Which ABB Drive Should You Choose

ACS, ACQ, ACH – which drive should I choose? A brief guide to ABB drive model selection. The ABB portfolio covers the complete spectrum of drives. From micro and machinery drives for machine building to industrial drives for controlling processing lines, all the way up to industry specific drives with purpose-designed features and functionality but […]

Benefits of Inverter Control on Archimedes Screws

Introduction Invented thousands of years ago by the Greek mathematician Archimedes on the occasion of his visit to Egypt. It was used to lift a pool of water to higher levels, usually to transfer water into irrigation channels. It consists of a screw (a helical surface surrounding a central cylindrical shaft) inside a hollow pipe. The Roman screw […]

ABB ACS480 Drive Overview

The new ABB ACS480 drive is now available for UK customers. We thought we would give you an overview of the latest addition to the ABB Drive family and we are sure you will agree with us, it is a simple but effective drive! ACS480 General Purpose Drives Described by ABB as: “Pure easiness for […]

ABB wins Supplier of the Year at Pump Industry Awards

Prestigious award acknowledges ABB’s commitment to driving growth through collaboration and innovation. ABB has won Supplier of the Year at the Pump Industry Awards for the second year running and the sixth time overall. Backed by the British Pump Manufacturers’ Association (BPMA) and held in Oxfordshire in March, the Supplier of the Year award recognises […]

Why the Reluctance?

When it comes to efficiency, if you were to put a synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) head-to-head against an equivalent induction or permanent magnet motor the former will easily come out on top. Yet, despite this and many other advantages, SynRM remains far from ubiquitous in industry. Dave Hawley, General Manager for Motors & Generators, ABB, […]

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