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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Author : Jules White

Duct Velocity Control for Extract Fans – ‘DELTA-P’

Extract fans are in common use to remove harmful dust and fumes or transport material within factories. Whatever their use, they rely on duct air velocity to ensure the material is kept in the airflow and does not settle out and cause a blockage. An Irishman, Sir George Stokes first developed a theorem that related […]

CEMA Golf Day

Approximately 50 suppliers and customers gathered for the annual CEMA Golf Day at Radcliffe on Trent Golf Club on a hot, dry June day. The format for the day was Stableford with the best two scores from the teams of four to count. Leon Ball represented IDS and despite not having played golf for over […]

ABB Inverter Flux Optimisation

In this video, IDS engineer, Blaise Ford demonstrates the ABB Inverter Flux Optimisation feature. ABB Inverter Flux Optimisation For this demonstration, we are using our Balloon Machine demonstration rig. The rig has an ABB inverter, which drives a motor that is connected to a fan. We will switch on the motor, let it settle and […]

PID Control Using an Inverter

In this video, Inverter Drive Systems Ltd Account Manager, Simona York, demonstrates PID Control using an Inverter. In the demonstration, Simona uses a demonstration rig, our Balloon Machine, which consists of an ABB inverter, a motor, a fan with damper (which can be used to control the flow) and a pressure sensor. On the keypad […]

IDS Retain Place on Anglian Water M and E Framework

The team at IDS are pleased to announce we have retained our position on the Anglian Water M & E Framework. Earlier this year, Anglian Water announced the M & E framework tender and our whole team has pitched in to ensure we retained such a prestigious client. As an ABB AVP we have preferential […]

9th Annual CEMA Skegness Bike Ride

On 6:30am 30th June 15 intrepid cyclists started from CEMA HQ in Colwick on their way to Skegness.   9th Annual CEMA Skegness Bike Ride The weather was wonderful but the easterly wind would eventually take its toll. For the first time there was an ‘e bike’ with us – Frank Ciaurro set this bike […]

ABB Ability Smart Sensor now also monitors pumps

The ABB Ability™ Smart Sensor provides data for the predictive maintenance of low voltage motors. In partnership with Emile Egger, a Swiss producer of pumps, ABB has now developed the solution to remotely monitor pumps. The pump manufacturer Emile Egger is constantly on the look-out for ways to improve its products and processes. Michel Grimm, […]

ABB shows digital monitoring for powertrains at Hillhead 2018

ABB Ability™ Digital Powertrains monitoring services provide advanced analytics and maintenance planning to ensure the efficient operation of powertrain equipment, including drives, motors, bearings and pumps. A suite of digital solutions including devices, software and services is the centrepiece of ABB’s stand, PC41, at the International Quarrying and Recycling show, Hillhead Quarry, Buxton, UK, 26-28 […]

The pressure is on to control leaks

Leaks are a perennial problem for water companies. Despite considerable countrywide investment and modernisation, the UK’s water distribution networks continue to lose around 3,300 mega litres of water per day. That amounts to 15 to 25 percent of its annual production of potable water every year. Few other industries would or could tolerate such a […]

The power of adaptive programming

Andy Preston, UK drives product manager, ABB writes: When buying a variable speed drive (VSD), make sure it comes with something called “adaptive programming’. Adaptive programming is used to customise the operation of a VSD in cases where the drive parameter settings are not sufficient. The programme is built with standard function blocks included in […]

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