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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Author : Jules White

Energy Saving with Inverters

In this video Blaise Ford, MD and Engineer with Inverter Drive Systems Ltd shows us 2 ways to save energy with inverters. Controlling the Speed of the Motor The first method to save energy is use the inverter to slow the motor down when the demand is low. In this video we use our demonstration […]

The Effect Inverters Have On Power Factor Correction

Power factor is a measurement of reactive power and is the VA used to establish the magnetic field in an AC motor. It only occurs in AC circuits and has no units, being described as a ratio – a number between minus 1 and plus 1. The Effect Inverters Have On Power Factor Correction Equipment […]

How To Store Inverters

Here at IDS, we carry £400k worth of new inverter stock. This is to support our customers whose production needs to be kept going 24/7. But what do we consider when storing inverters? Here are a few answers: How to Store Inverters Inverters need a cool, dry, dust free environment. They are power electronic devices […]

Is It Time To Replace Your VSD?

Variable speed drives (VSDs) are renowned for being reliable and robust devices. If properly and regularly maintained there is no reason why a VSD will not function for 20-plus years. Yet the replacement VSD market is growing at some 40 percent per annum. Andy Preston, UK Drives Product Manager, ABB Limited, suggests a reason why. […]

IDS Host ABB AVP Drive Expert Day

On the 5th December Inverter Drive Systems (IDS) played host for the ABB AVP Drive Expert Day. The day was a mixture of technical training, new features and best practices. We hosted fellow AVP’s Sentridge Control and Central Group and were joined by ABB Drive Experts: Andy Preston, from ABB UK and Arnold Taddeo and […]

Variable speed drives – Are you missing a trick?

Don’t make the mistake of dismissing VSDs as nothing more than motor controllers, says ABB’s Carl Turbitt. To use a drive merely to start and stop a motor and alter its speed is to miss the huge cost saving potential built within the product. Panels containing control gear for air handling units, fans and pumps […]

Five Things You (probably) Don’t Know A Variable Speed Drive Can Do

Most users buy a variable speed drive (VSD) to start/ stop a motor and make it go faster/ slower. Very few know about the other functionality within their drive. Stuart Foster, UK Water Manager – Drives, ABB Limited, gives an insight. 1. Adaptive programming Some VSDs contain a feature called adaptive programming. The programme is […]

DC – AC Motor Conversion

Thirty years ago, DC motors were the workhorse of industry when variable speed was required. These were found in many applications including mine winders, extrusion applications and the steel industry. However, they needed a maintenance schedule including regular brush changes and carbon removal from the windings. Every so often, a major overhaul was required in […]

Inverter Helps Stop Reel Transport System at Smurfit Kappa March

At the Smurfit Kappa facility in March, Cambridgeshire, there are three reel transport systems to carry heavy drums of paper into the corrugator machine that produces cardboard. When one of the systems travels empty, everything is fine; however, when it travels carrying a heavy drum of paper the momentum from the load may cause the […]

The Difference Between A Soft Starter And A Variable Speed Drive

When a motor is started is draws a large amount of electric current as it accelerates to full speed. This sudden demand for current can lead to voltage dips and other undesirable effects. The Difference Between A Soft Starter And A Variable Speed Drive Soft starts and variable speed drives can both be used to […]

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